2018 Homecoming Courts
The 2018 Homecoming Courts for Granite and Drummond High Schools. #GraniteHighSchool #DrummondHighSchool #Homecoming #2018

2018 VOTE: The Midterms have never been more important
You have until October 5, 2018 to get your registration completed in the State of Montana. Get it done TODAY! As much as the major...

Page Merge on hold ... for now
GRANITE COUNTY - Due to the ever-changing world of Facebook rules, our intended page merge will be put on hold for the time being. The...

Happy Birthday to the Triangle Ranch!
PHILIPSBURG - Today marks the 150th birthday of the Triangle Ranch in Philipsburg, Montana. The McDonald family came to the area in 1868...

9/11 Through Our Eyes
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, we all had a hard time putting things back into perspective. In months following 911, my...

Where the Moose and the Antelope play...
Some images we caught of a moose and some antelope around Granite County. What pictures have you captured? #Moose #Antelope #Wildlife

Granite County Planning Board Meeting (VIDEO): Sept. 5, 2018
#GraniteCounty #PlanningBoardMeeting #Video

Pages merge to centralize news for Granite County
GRANITE COUNTY – The Flint Creek Courier appreciates your reading our stories and following our posts. And so to make sure that everyone...

The Drummond D
The Drummond 'D' as seen from Edwards Street in front of the Drummond Schools, August 30, 2018. #DrummondSchools

Philipsburg Schools undergo training for a myriad of emergencies
PHILIPSBURG - It takes a village. Despite the politics that the above phrase was once linked to, it was the central theme Thursday during...