MSU Extension offering Herdsmanship classes starting January 15

GRANITE COUNTY – The MSU Extebnsion in Granite County is planning a fast start to the new year, leading off with a Herdsmanship School January 15.
It’s the 24th Annual Herdsmaneship School that will begin in mid-January and held at Hall School. The class starts January 15 and continues on the 22nd, 29th and concludes February 5. All classes are at 7 p.m.
According to a release by Ben Hauptman of the MSU Extension Office in Granite County, “This year’s Herdsmanship School will be offering a variety of topics to address different aspects of agriculture facing ranchers and landowners today.”
A breakdown of each session follows:
Session 1
1/15/19 — Grizzly Bear & Livestock Conflicts
Grizzly bears have been making the news in Montana. Kraig Glazier and Bart Smith of USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services will speak to growing issue of grizzly bear conflicts in Montana and how this has impacted livestock producers in the area.
Session 2
1/22/19 — Wildflower Reflections: Property and Family Legacy
Planning Challenges
While everyone owns some type of property—checking or saving accounts, stocks, mutual funds, automobiles or a home—many are unaware how the wording on these accounts, titles, or deeds to these properties determines who receives them upon the owner’s death. “Let’s be practical,” says Dr. Marsha Goetting, Montana State University Extension Family Economics Specialist. “We’re all going to die sometime. Most of us have strong feelings about who receives our property we have worked so hard to accumulate.
Even if it is only a certificate of deposit of $1,000 or the opal ring left to you by your grandmother, you want to have a say about who gets it. Having an estate plan gives you that control.” Dr. Goetting has combined her career-long obsession about estate planning with her recent passion for Montana wildflowers in a creative and unique presentation that you won’t want to miss. Regardless of your age, financial condition, or marital status you will learn facts that will help you jump-start planning your estate planning preparations.
Marsha Goetting is a Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist at Montana State University. During 2016 and 2017 she presented 140 financial and estate planning programs reaching 4,800 Montanans. She has received state, regional and national state awards for her programs. Dr. Goetting received her Bachelors and Masters degrees from Kansas State University and a PhD from Iowa State University. Treats and snacks for this program will be sponsored by Anderson ZurMuehlen
Session 3
1/29/19 — Pros & Cons of Different Grazing Rotations
Grazing systems and rotations have been around for quite some time. There are many different concepts livestock producers have tried over the years. It is important to understand the trade offs of each to make the best decision about what is best for your grazing lands and livestock.
Ben Hauptman, Granite County MSU Extension Agent
Session 4
2/5/19 — Forage Crop Fertilizer & Nutrient Use
Are you looking to renovate some hay ground or wondered if you could gain some more tons/acre by adding some fertilizer? How can you get the best bang for your buck when making these decisions based upon your soil? Dr. Clain Jones the MSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist will be on hand to share his experience with nutrient uptake and fertilizer use in perennial and annual forage crops.
Web Soil Survey Introduction — Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Soil surveys can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning. This will be a walk through of what information and maps can be generated by yourself or a third party and what practical applications they can be used for. Ben Hauptman,
Granite County MSU Extension Agent.
Please contact the Granite County MSU Extension office with any questions at (406) 859-3304.