Annual Lighted Christmas Parade gearing up for Dec. 8
The 2022 Lighted Christmas Parade
PHILIPSBURG - The holiday season gets underway with one of Montana's most popular holiday traditions.
And it happens to take place in one of its most popular towns.
The Philipsburg Lighted Christmas Parade is set for December 8, 2023 to head down Broadway. This year's theme is "O Tannebaum, or anything Christmas Tree".
So what's your take on it? A Christmas Tree band? A Douglas Fir on a surfboard? Or maybe your take on the Vacation Family Truckster?
The more lights and the more creative the better. Let your imagination run wild!
To get entered into this year's Lighted Christmas Parade contact Chris Cooney, owner of Gem Mountain in Philipsburg. He can be reached by email at, at Gem Mountain, or on his cell at 406.490.4400.
2022 was the biggest parade to date and hopes are high that 2023 will be even bigger.
The parade will be recorded and rebroadcast by the Flint Creek Courier, with Cooney and the Courier's Tim Allen bringing you the commentary.