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Fire Update: September 15, 2022

GRANITE COUNTY – Updates on fires being battled in and around Granite County.

Murray Fire Overview

Firefighters continue to increase containment of the Murray Fire, reaching 93% yesterday. With minimal fire activity, cooler temperatures, higher relative humidity and precipitation in the forecast, all conducive to fire containment, crews are aiming for 100% containment by Thursday, September 15. Fire crews continue demobilization of personnel and packaging up fire equipment no longer needed on the fire. They will continue this process until the fire is fully contained and the area is safe enough to be managed by the local fire unit.

Solomon Fire Overview

The fire is burning in a steep, thickly timbered bowl with snags, or hazard trees, making up about half of the standing fuel and is surrounded to the south, east, and west by the 2007 Sawmill Fire burned area.

The terrain, fuel type, and the presence of snag trees, limit the ability to place firefighters directly on the fire. Firefighter safety is a top priority when assessing engagement on this fire.

The Solomon Fire is being managed under a point protection strategy which means that highly valued resources (such as buildings, infrastructure, or recreational assets) are being strategically protected from the fire, utilizing various natural and geographic features (past wildfires, trails, rock, and cliff bands) while protecting other values consistent with the Welcome Creek Wilderness. Air support, such as helicopters, may be used to slow and limit potential fire spread. Firefighters are patrolling and monitoring the fire via air and from vantage points on the ground and utilizing fuel moisture measurements, field weather observations, and fire models to inform the suppression strategy.

Updated Closure Information: Due to increased fire activity, the following trails are closed for public safety (please reference the closure map):

  • Solomon Ridge Trail #142, from milepost 0.0 at Solomon Ridge Trailhead to milepost 4.2 at its junction with Trail #232

  • Welcome-Sawmill Saddle Trail #232, from milepost 0.0 at its junction with Trail #142 to milepost 5.4.

  • Sawmill Ridge Trail #178, from milepost 0.0 at Sawmill Fishing Access to milepost 6.4 at its junction with Trail #232.

  • Welcome Mountain Trailhead.


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