Headwaters seeking public comment on CED through April

From Headwaters RC&D Press Release
Notice of Public Comment
Headwaters RC&D Area, Inc., and their comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS)
committee have completed their draft CEDS update and will be accepting public comment on
the document until 4pm on April 20, 2023.
Copies of the draft CEDS are available digitally and in paper format by contacting Headwaters
RC&D, Kayla Lappin, Director of Marketing & Business Recruitment, 406-496-3171, 65 E.
Broadway, Butte, MT 59701, klappin@bldc.net or by
visiting: https://www.headwatersrcd.org/ceds.
All responses to the draft must be submitted to Headwaters RC&D by 4 p.m. April 20, 2023.
Kelly Sullivan
Headwaters RC&D, Executive Director